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Conference: What vision and strategy for a decarbonized and desirable city?

Organised by "Real Estate Group (French)"

X-Ponts Pierre and its partners are pleased to invite you to

at the inaugural conference
What vision and strategy
for a decarbonized and desirable City?
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
from 6:30pm to 8:15pm

online at #Zoom
as part of its new conference cycle

The City and Real Estate Facing the Climate Emergency

May 2021 to autumn 2022

The urgency of climate change has become an imperative for our civilization, for each and every one of us, for Real Estate, for all those who build the City, and for all economic sectors.
The Paris Agreement and France's Stratégie Nationale Bas Carbone (low-carbon national strategy) provide a framework for the effort we all need to make to decarbonize our activities.
How can the real estate and urban sectors assume their share of the common objective, and more fundamentally, contribute to the collective invention of a new and desirable world?
How will these sectors apply national targets for reducing carbon emissions and adapting to the consequences of climate change at their own level, by 2030 and 2050?

That's the purpose of this conference,
organized with the sponsorship of:

François Bertière
Former Chairman, Bouygues Immobilier
Chairman, Fiminco REIM, Director, Nhood (Groupe Auchan)
XPonts, architect, Chairman, Fondation des Ponts
Member, Académie des Technologies

We are delighted to welcome :

Pierre Veltz

Ingénieur X Ponts, sociologist and economist,
Grand Prix de l'Urbanisme in 2017
Member of the Académie des Technologies

Pierre Veltz is a former director of the École des Ponts (1999-2004) and the Établissement Public de Paris-Saclay. (2010-2015). His research and projects focus on the industrial renaissance and the growing role of territories.
His latest books include: "La société hyper-industrielle", Seuil (prix du livre d'économie 2017), "La France des territoires", Éditions de l'Aube 2019, "L'économie désirable. Sortir du monde thermo-fossile", Seuil 2021.

Didier Roux
Former Director of R&D and Innovation, Saint-Gobain
Chairman of the Scientific Council, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées
Former student at ENS Saint-Cloud, CNRS Silver Medal
Member of the Académie des Sciences and the Académie des Technologies

Didier Roux, born in 1955, was a member of the CNRS from 1980 to 2005. He has received numerous awards and distinctions. He holds the CNRS silver medal. He created two start-ups in 1994 and 1998, and was deputy scientific director of Rhône Poulenc and then Rhodia between 1997 and 2005. Between 2005 and 2017, he was Director of R&D and Innovation for the Saint-Gobain Group. He was a professor at the Collège de France (2016-2017 annual chair in "Liliane Bettencourt Technological Innovation"). He is Chairman of Unitec, Vice-Chairman of the La Main à la Pâte foundation and delegate for scientific information and communication at the Académie des Sciences.

Anne-Laure de Chammard
Director of Strategy and Innovation, ENGIE Group
Ingénieure X Corps des Ponts, Master in Public Administration from Harvard Kennedy School

Young Global Leader 2021 from the World Economic Forum

Anne-Laure was previously President and CEO of Bureau Veritas Construction, a subsidiary of the Bureau Veritas Group.
She began her career in the United States as a strategy consultant with the Boston Consulting Group. She joined the French Ministry of Sustainable Development and Energy in 2010, where she was in charge of awarding and monitoring major public-private partnership infrastructure projects (freeways, high-speed rail lines, etc.). She then joined the Bureau Veritas Group in 2014 as Regional Director, before becoming President of Bureau Veritas Construction in 2016.

The conference will be co-hosted by representatives of the organizers

Participants will be able to ask questions via the #Zoom chat.

The next stages of the conference cycle

La Ville et l'Immobilier
face à l'urgence climatique

will take place intwo phases: The City (May 2021 to early 2022), then Real Estate and Building (early 2022 to autumn 2022).

X-Ponts Pierre and its partners are pleased to announce the themes of the next four conferences in the cycle:

- Zero Net Artificialization
- Densities and Compactness
- Medium-sized Cities and Metropolises
- Land: the affordable housing crisis

Cycle partners :

Academy of Technologies

IBD Master's degree (Real Estate and Sustainable Building)

Master's degree in Urban Planning and Management (AMUR )

Mining Planning & Construction

A&M Alumni BTP Immobilier

AMO Association
(Architects and project managers)

Bridges Ecological transition

Bridges Construction

  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Wednesday 5 May 2021
    18:30 - 20:15 (GMT +2)
    Online event
    • Free Students
      Members of an alumni association of the organizers or partners

    • 5 € Non-contributors and outsiders

    Registration closed

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  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Wednesday 5 May 2021
    18:30 - 20:15 (GMT +2)
    Online event
    • Free Students
      Members of an alumni association of the organizers or partners

    • 5 € Non-contributors and outsiders

    Registration closed
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