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Online conference with Denis Lacroix : Preparing for rising waters: lucidity and resilience

Organised by "Environment"

The Ecological Transition group invites you to the conference:

"Preparing for rising waters: lucidity and resilience"

with Denis Lacroix, futurist at IFREMER

What will be the consequences of rising sea levels for the economy, regional planning and natural resource management? How can we prepare for what is now considered inevitable? What actions can we take now? What are the deadlines? Which areas will be most affected?

Denis Lacroix is an agricultural engineer from INA-PG, and completed his training with a master's degree in economics (Univ. de Rennes) and a doctorate in animal science (AgroParisTech).

After working on aquaculture, and contributing to various research programs, notably within the FAO, IFREMER entrusted him with the creation of a foresight unit, whose collective work focuses on marine renewable energies, the environment and sustainable development.nergies, deep-sea mineral resources, ocean and society interactions, major global environmental scenarios, sea-level rise, the credibility of scientists and confidence in science (ongoing). As part of his international cooperation, he provides training in foresight and strategic intelligence (Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Peru...). He teaches at 5 universities and training institutes in Europe (aquaculture, coastal planning, integrated coastal management, foresight methodology, etc.).

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  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Thursday 25 March 2021
    19:00 (GMT +2)
    Online event
    • Free Contributor rate

    • 10 € Non-contributing and external rates

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  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Thursday 25 March 2021
    19:00 (GMT +2)
    Online event
    • Free Contributor rate

    • 10 € Non-contributing and external rates

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