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Round table: "Challenges and opportunities for solar and wind power generation in France and Europe".

Organised by "Energy"

In the era of climate neutrality and the Paris Agreements (2015), renewable energies have become essential. In 2020, they represented 20% of the European energy mix. The target for 2030 is an ambitious 32%.

  • Renewable energies contribute to the decarbonization of the economy. The Green Deal, currently in the process of being voted on by the European Parliament, envisages a 55% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 compared with 1990.

  • But their integration into the electricity system creates new challenges: the intermittency of these energies makes it more difficult to manage supply and demand on a continuous basis. These non-controllable means of production are unable to respond to periods of system stress.

  • What's more, not all uses are currently electrifiable or electrified. We're thinking here of transport and the use of fossil fuels by many industrial players.

  • Finally, although onshore wind power and solar photovoltaics have benefited from favorable learning curves, making them competitive today, the penetration of other renewable sources continues to raise the question of financing.

During this round table, our questions will focus on two main areas:

1) How far can France go in generating electricity from renewable sources? How does this impact security of supply? How does it interact with grid stability?

2) What is the impact of renewable penetration on wholesale prices, plant profitability and visibility for developers and investors? What are the financing mechanisms for renewables today and tomorrow?


  • Nicolas Couderc is Executive Vice President of EDF Renouvelables France. He oversees all EDF Renewables' onshore activities in France (wind, PV) and is a member of the EDF Renewables Management Committee. Nicolas Couderc is also a director of the French Renewable Energies Union and WindEurope.

  • Julien Touati is Partner, Director of Corporate Development and member of the Executive Committee of the Meridiam investment fund, with particular responsibility for the deployment of activities related to energy transition in Europe. He also had strategic responsibility for Meridiam's development in Africa.

: Marc-Henry Lebrun and Florian Mante from the Energy Group.

The public will be free to ask our guests questions. We look forward to seeing many of you at this exceptional, high-stakes event.

The connection link will be e-mailed to registrants the day before the round table.

Monday 16 November 2020
18:30 - 20:00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 16th November
The event is organized online
  • 10 € Contributor rate

  • 20 € Non-contributing and external rates

  • Free for contributing students

Registration closed

The event is organized online


Guy Frémont (1966 CIV)
3 years ago
Quelques réflexions :

1- On parle beaucoup du CO2, responsable du réchauffement climatique, dont il accompagne la courbe de variation depuis 600 000 ans suivant les carottes de Vostok.
D?aucuns affirment que c?est le CO2 qui est la conséquence du réchauffement, via le dégazage des océans, et non l?inverse. Qu?en pensez-vous ?
2- Ceci étant, l? Effet de Serre en ajoute une couche, si l?on peut dire, sauf que ce serait de très loin la vapeur d?eau qui est le principal GES et non pas le CO2. Qu?en pensez-vous ?
3- Concernant l?éolien, la démontabilité des fondations en fin de service a été promise par Elisabeth Borne à Xavier Bertrand.
Comment faire pour cela ?
4- Eolien et Solaire PV peuvent nécessiter des dispositions de stockage, telles que les STEPs, déjà utilisées pour l?hydraulique (un peu intermittent quand même).
Est-il envisagé d?en construire de nouvelles, car ce sont bien les actuelles qui sont « squattérisées », mais jusqu?à quand ?,et pour quel coût sur nos factures ?
5- Le coût annoncé du Solaire PV et de l?éolien prend-il en compte le coût du stockage des pointes (STEP et autre) et des pertes d?énergie correspondantes ?
6- Enfin, avant de parler de l?éolien et du solaire, ne faudrait-il pas citer, pour mémoire mais peut-être objets de futures conférences, des autres EnR, qui n?ont pas encore tout dit, en France, DOM-TOM et Export, telles que la Géothermie profonde (Soultz-sous-Forêts) ? Quelques mots aussi sur l?hydraulique classique et même le nucléaire si cette dernière peut réutiliser les déchets anciens stockés (RPE-E ou EPR)
7- Et pourquoi « importer » les panneaux PV ? Pour le pétrole OK, mais pour les panneaux fabriqués avec du sable et l?électricité nucléaire ?
Guy Frémont (1966 CIV)
3 years ago
8- Le solaire thermique en Andalousie est-il un succès ?

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Monday 16 November 2020
18:30 - 20:00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 16th November
The event is organized online
  • 10 € Contributor rate

  • 20 € Non-contributing and external rates

  • Free for contributing students

Registration closed
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