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40th anniversary of the class of 1984: Dinner cruise on the Seine

Organised by "1984-85L"

Dear comrades,

The organization of the 40th anniversary of the class of 1984 is well underway! As a reminder, we are inviting all comrades from the classes of 1984 and 1985, as well as a few comrades from neighboring classes.

The anniversary evening will take place on Friday, June 7, 2024, starting at 7:30 p.m., and will feature a

Dinner cruise on the Seine

At this stage, we would like to invite all comrades who have expressed an interest in this event to make a commitment by paying a deposit of 170 euros (per person) by March 20 at the latest.

Comrades who commit and make an advance payment will be notified of the project's final commitment date.

If the number of participants falls below 40, the dinner cruise project will be abandoned in favor of an alternative solution, and the advance will be reimbursed.

We hope that many of you will contribute to this dinner cruise.

Best regards,

For the 1984/85L vintage

Patrick Klein

Friday 7 June 2024
19:30 - 22:30 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 25th March
(location to be defined)
  • 170 € deposit (per person)

Registration closed

(location to be defined)

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Friday 7 June 2024
19:30 - 22:30 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 25th March
(location to be defined)
  • 170 € deposit (per person)

Registration closed
  • 21 registrants
  • Add to my calendar