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Markets, stock market ... How to make the right decisions in the current coronavirus crisis?

Due to the large number of requests, registration is now closed. We are considering organizing a second online conference on the same theme.

Online conference


Yves Tugayé (X-Ponts 73)

Yves Tugayé : former president of an investment club, Alphaphile, and a member of the FFCI, has carried out in-depth studies in the economic and financial fields. for 50 years, has a good knowledge of the history of French and international equities traded on Euronext, will take part in a mini-conference followed by a discussion next Tuesday March 31 at 2pm.

Markets, Stock Exchange ... How to make the right decisions
in the current coronavirus crisis?

Topics discussed :

  • This explains the sharp drop in the markets, which took most investors by surprise.
  • A perfectly logical fall, the various impacts of which can be explained by the details of the business.
  • Will it continue, or is it an investment opportunity?
  • How can we prepare for the end of the crisis?

A connection link will be sent to subscribers

We're preparing a program of remote conferences to be run by our alumni for our alumni, and we'd like to extend a special thank you to our comrade Yves Tugayé. If you too feel ready to organize a conference with us, don't hesitate to send us your proposals and/or your areas of expertise (contact us).

  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Tuesday 31 March 2020
    14:00 (GMT +2)
    Registration deadline : 30th March
    Webinar (Paris time)
    • Free Free for subscribers

    • 10 € Non-contributors and outsiders

    Registration closed

    Webinar (Paris time)

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  • See replay
    For paying members only
  • Tuesday 31 March 2020
    14:00 (GMT +2)
    Registration deadline : 30th March
    Webinar (Paris time)
    • Free Free for subscribers

    • 10 € Non-contributors and outsiders

    Registration closed
  • 83 registrants
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