
Conference: "Does the brain have a sex? Do jobs have a sex?"
Organised by "Sciences ParisTech au Féminin"
Debates on gender inequality have become increasingly important in recent years. These inequalities are reflected in the world of work, where women occupy a higher proportion of lower-paid, less socially valued jobs than men.
Similarly, most professions, and their respective training courses, are associated with one of the two genders, as is the case with scientific and technical professions, traditionally considered masculine.
How are these professional and educational orientations constructed and reproduced? Can they be, as some claim, based on innate cognitive differences between women and men? Or are they the product of a gendered cultural and social environment?
Sciences ParisTech au Féminin invites you to a conference where all these questions will be analyzed by two renowned guests: Catherine Vidal, neurobiologist, honorary director of research at the Institut Pasteur and co-chair of the Inserm Ethics Committee's "Gender and Health Research" group, and Françoise Vouillot, guidance psychologist and former lecturer at the Institut Pasteur.guidance psychologist, former lecturer in guidance psychology at Cnam-Inetop and former president of the "Lutte contre les stéréotypes et rôles sociaux" (Fight against stereotypes and social roles) commission of the Haut conseil à l'Egalité Femme - Homme (High Council for Equality between Women and Men). The speakers' presentations will be followed by an exchange-discussion with the audience.
Limited number of places (50)
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Monday 14 October 2019
(GMT +1)
Bridge House
42 rue Boissière
15 € Contributor
25 € Non-contributor
5 € Student
Registration closed
Bridge House
42 rue Boissière75116 Paris
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