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Conference-Debate: Real Estate, between digital and new uses

Organised by "Real Estate Group (French)"

X/Ponts Pierre, Groupe Immobilier de l'AX et de Ponts Alliance, alumni associations of l'X and les Ponts

Institut G9+, Digital Interclubs for Grandes Ecoles Alumni

Mines Aménagement et Construction, Club d'Intermines, Mines alumni association

invite you to a conference-debate, followed by a cocktail reception.

moderated by Gaël Thomas, Editorial Director, Business Immo

introduction by François Bertière, Chairman of Bouygues Immobilier

conclusion by Robin Rivaton ,founder of Real Estech

Real estate, between digital technology and new uses

Reinventing business

Our real estate sector, steeped in tradition, has already come a long way in terms of financialization, certification, energy efficiency and internationalization.

But today, the digital revolution is permeating all our processes, from financing and new uses to construction, operation, maintenance and marketing.

The entire value chain, from financiers and real estate agencies to developers, prime contractors, builders, manufacturers, operators and managers, is being profoundly transformed by the emergence of bold start-ups and the determination of existing players to reinvent themselves.

How can we understand this ongoing revolution and recognize its potential and dangers?

Leading professionals will discuss these issues at two round tables,
one dedicated to new tools, the other to new uses.

1st Round Table - "New tools

  • Thomas LE DIOURON, founder of Impulse Partners
  • Marie Laure DE SOUSA, Director, Agence France, JLL
  • Guillaume PARISOT, Chairman, Aveltys
  • Philippe CHIAMBARETTA, architect and founder of the PCA-Stream agency

2nd Round Table - "New uses

  • Méka BRUNEL, Managing Director, Gecina
  • Christophe BURCKART, Managing Director, Regus & Spaces
  • John VAN OOST, co-founder of One-Third

This event is open to all

PAF: 35€, students and jobseekers: 10€
(to obtain a receipt: for Ponts graduates, download your receipt from your personal space; for non-Ponts graduates, receipt issued on request)

This event is sponsored by Bouygues Immobilier

Monday 25 September 2017
18:30 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 24th September
Hôtel des Arts et Métiers
9 bis, avenue d'Iéna
75016 Paris
  • 35 € Standard rate

  • 10 € Student and job-seeker rates

Registration closed

Hôtel des Arts et Métiers

9 bis, avenue d'Iéna
75016 Paris

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Monday 25 September 2017
18:30 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 24th September
Hôtel des Arts et Métiers
9 bis, avenue d'Iéna
75016 Paris
  • 35 € Standard rate

  • 10 € Student and job-seeker rates

Registration closed
  • 325 registrants
  • Add to my calendar