Maison des Ponts (salle Russo) 15, rue de la Fontaine au Roi 75011 Paris How to get there
The average age of the French nuclear fleet, which generates ¾ of the country's electricity, is now close to 30 years. To extend the lifespan of its nuclear fleet and meet new safety standards, EDF will be carrying out major work on all its power plants over the next few years. These heavy maintenance operations are known as "grand carénage".
What isthe "grand carénage"?
A competitively-priced energy with very low CO2 emissions, nuclear power produces 75% of France's electricity. While the evolution of nuclear power's share has been a subject of debate in the context of the energy transition, the atom is set to retain an important place in France's energy mix.nergy transition debate, the atom is set to remain an important part of the French energy mix. To continue to benefit from this constant source of electricity under maximum safety conditions, EDF will have to make major investments over the coming years: this is the "grand carénage".
This heavy maintenance work will enable the integration of new safety standards decided after the Japanese Fukushima disaster. The work is also intended to extend the lifespan of the French nuclear fleet from forty to sixty years, which is why it must be completed before the fourth ten-yearly inspection of the plants (the first is scheduled for 2018-2019).
This solution will prove more economical than building new plants to replace existing ones, and will enable the fleet to remain competitive. In this way, nuclear power will be able to support the emergence of new energies, whose production costs are still high (with the exception of renewable energies).(with the exception of onshore wind power), and efficient solutions for storing intermittently generated electricity.
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NB: Schoolchildren are admitted free of charge (limited number of places) register directlywithIsabelle Delin